Friday 17 August 2012

Exam results and bragging.

Summer is going by all to fast as I realise my first day of sixth form is going to start soon. What's even more nerve wrecking then going back to the same old school where there will be lots of new lost faces and work that's double the difficulty than it was at high school is the dreaded results day.

Less than a week from now I will be holding a brown envelope containing a letter that will either make me cry or smile. Of course i'm just kidding I wouldn't cry if i got bad results, probably. But I didn't straighten out my grades until I was in year 10, before then I didn't care less about what I got in tests. 

However as I was growing up I found a new group of friends who did give a shit about school work, and as i'm very competitive i didn't want to be the stupid one so I tried harder and my school work improved significantly, turns out i'm not a complete idiot.

Anyway, it didn't really occur to me that i may have totally f'cked up my exams, i thought i would be okay but you can't always be so sure. I suppose it's okay that i didn't bother with school work until year 10 because that's when i chose classes, but if i was any later than that then i would of screwed up completely. 

Something that does bug me though is those people who get their results then brag about how they "got an A* and i didn't even revise!" when the rest of us are working our arses off studying and not all of us are lucky enough to get those kind of grades. Sometimes life's a bitch isn't it? But what can you do but complain.

I used to be friends with a girl who would say things like that. Let's just say she is not very liked. The point is, no one likes a bragger, just shut up. Also if your friend looks kinda sad because she/he didn't get the grades they wanted, don't be like "aww, it's okay don't worry. Oh yeah by the way i got A's isn't that great?" No it's not when you put it that way stop fishing for compliments! And i have been on the giving and receiving end of that line and it does suck.

I guess I feel a little pessimistic today i'm sure thats not a surprise.

Thursday 16 August 2012

How to do magnetic nails.

First things first. Go out and buy a magnetic nail polish, it goes without saying.
Of course i don't particularly need to explain how to do it its pretty simple really, paint and hold the magnet over it and sometimes it may look quite good. What i'm doing is reviewing it.

I bought two magnetic nail polishes. One from an expensive nail company thats well known and one from a cheaper company. Some of you would probably prefer the more expensive company just for the name maybe. But honestly i hated the look it left on my nails.

It didn't work properly and it looked kinda weird, and when i decide to spent over £10 for a little bottle of polish i expect good results! Although i was disappointed with the results of that, i decided i would try again with a cheaper company.

This one did not cost me much at all, less than £5. Surprisingly this company worked much better than the last one i tried. I loved the look it gave me although the drying does take a little patience.

I still love the expensive brand though, maybe some of the other magnetic patterns would have looked better, I don't know.

The point is that sometimes just because it's a big name doesn't mean that it's better than the rest!

I'll put up pictures soon its a little late and to be honest i cannot be bothered to get out of my bed.

Monday 30 July 2012

Olympics, Rubbish Weather and The Dark Knight Rises.

I'm not much of a sports person so when the olympics started i didn't expect to pay much attention to it, but seeing as many of my school friends are getting pretty into some of the events i couldn't help but jump on the band wagon and watch some events too.

However i believe some girls are just going to watch one event then not bother anymore, synchronised diving with Tom Daley maybe? Not that i blame them...

Tomorrow i'm actually going to London for three days, not for the olympics though, i'm going on a shoe making course. I'm going with my sister and it's for three days. It should be quite interesting actually, i'll report back.

It's july and the weather is totally disappointing! Maybe it will be like last year though when it was nice and sunny in october? English weather is so rubbish sometimes, i woke up to the sound of rain pounding down on the rooftops, a week ago it was really lovely and now it's horrible and cold. 

I recently saw the new Batman film on the third day it was released, oh my it was probably one of the best film's i've ever seen in my life! It had great actors and a reaaaaally good storyline, sure it was long but i don't see why thats a problem? Most of the best films made are very long, such as The Godfather films, Shawshank Redemption. Those films are top on IMDb and are both over 2 hours. I personally don't like short movies, many rom-coms are about an hour and a bit and i don't enjoy them. I find them so predictable and they bore me, When i watched the dark knight rises though i was glued to my seat and i enjoyed every minute of it.

I plan to see it again actually, but this time i'm hoping i can see it in IMAX. I've never been to an IMAX screening before so i hope it's good!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Galaxy Nail Art.

I've tried and failed galaxy nail art many, many times. However, i've finally got it right after many months which i'm happy about because galaxy nails are so pretty and i've never been able to do it right before!

All you really need for it is a piece of foundation sponge and and glitter polish. I think the glitter polish is what makes it look good because i wasn't so sure it was going to look so good before i put it on. The trick to it is to blend the colours well and by not using too much pressure with the sponge.

The glitter polish i used was a limited edition Katy Perry O.P.I polish which came in a set of four. This colour is called Teenage Dream and i love it. Unfortunately the polish thickened really quickly so i can't really use it anymore. However O.P.I might still do it in bigger versions i'm not so sure!

The polish's i used were: Nails Inc: Hyde Park base coat, Nails Inc: Floral Street, Christian Dior: Lagoon, Topshop: Nail Art pens set of four in neon, Emily Nail Enamel: 03, Maybelline Express Finish Laquer: Onyx Black, Topshop: Peeping Tom, American Apparel: Sunshine State, Katy Perry O.P.I set of four: Teenage dream.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Prom time!

So one thing i've been looking forward to throughout the whole of my high school career is of course my high school prom!

Of course living in england means that the prom was not so extravagant and that some people didn't bother making such a big fuss about it. I've heard stories about dozens of limo's turning up and helicopters and girls getting surgery especially for prom but not at ours! It was just simple, in a beautiful park and we arrived gracefully in a 7 seater Mazda car which belonged to my friend's dad.

It may not be your cup of tea but I really enjoyed myself.

I did a dip dye type of nail pattern for my prom because my dress had a repeat pattern so i needed something simple to match it.

I love this type of nail art because in my opinion it does not take too long to do and looks great (if you do it right). You use a little sponge to put the pattern on and the trick to it is to not use too much pressure or polish. I usually break off a little piece of foundation sponge then hold it with tweezers. You may find another way that works better for you.

I always finish it off by putting glittery polish just at the tip of my nails, i just think it looks nice this way. Also i use two colours that are similar to each other so it fades in well, so a light colour and a dark colour. I probably didn't explain that well so for example in the picture i sponged on grey polish first then i did black on top and it faded in nicely. :)

Monday 16 July 2012


Hello little bloggers, sorry i haven't posted so recently but i've been busy and then my lovely old laptop broke! So now i'm having to learn how to use this new MacBook my parents bought for me.
So not much i've been doing recently, i have a few more nail patterns i still need to post and i will when i get time. I just haven't had this much time to just relax since my last school holiday months ago!

However i will try to make an effort to post more :) 

Friday 15 June 2012

Schooooool's nearly over...

Haven't posted in a little while because I've been so busy studying! At least my bad week is over, i will never again have to do maths, feels amazing! Although i do secretly enjoy it a little, but i don't think i would be able to handle A-level, do what you do best right?

I'm so exited to finish my exams, only four to go now. I'm most exited for summer, hopefully the weather will become nice and sunny and it will just be relaxed. I'm going to Milan for a week, no idea what it will be like but Italy is a beautiful country so i'm sure it will be nice.

Anyway here's a little nail design i did in my spare time, super easy and only took 10 minutes per hand, the left hand was easy to do too. I used an American Apparel glittery sequin polish which cost £9.00. I know it's quite expensive but it was so pretty i just couldn't help myself. i just put a drop of polish on a piece of paper and picked up the sequins with a pin and placed them on, it's easier than it sounds.