Friday, 17 August 2012

Exam results and bragging.

Summer is going by all to fast as I realise my first day of sixth form is going to start soon. What's even more nerve wrecking then going back to the same old school where there will be lots of new lost faces and work that's double the difficulty than it was at high school is the dreaded results day.

Less than a week from now I will be holding a brown envelope containing a letter that will either make me cry or smile. Of course i'm just kidding I wouldn't cry if i got bad results, probably. But I didn't straighten out my grades until I was in year 10, before then I didn't care less about what I got in tests. 

However as I was growing up I found a new group of friends who did give a shit about school work, and as i'm very competitive i didn't want to be the stupid one so I tried harder and my school work improved significantly, turns out i'm not a complete idiot.

Anyway, it didn't really occur to me that i may have totally f'cked up my exams, i thought i would be okay but you can't always be so sure. I suppose it's okay that i didn't bother with school work until year 10 because that's when i chose classes, but if i was any later than that then i would of screwed up completely. 

Something that does bug me though is those people who get their results then brag about how they "got an A* and i didn't even revise!" when the rest of us are working our arses off studying and not all of us are lucky enough to get those kind of grades. Sometimes life's a bitch isn't it? But what can you do but complain.

I used to be friends with a girl who would say things like that. Let's just say she is not very liked. The point is, no one likes a bragger, just shut up. Also if your friend looks kinda sad because she/he didn't get the grades they wanted, don't be like "aww, it's okay don't worry. Oh yeah by the way i got A's isn't that great?" No it's not when you put it that way stop fishing for compliments! And i have been on the giving and receiving end of that line and it does suck.

I guess I feel a little pessimistic today i'm sure thats not a surprise.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

How to do magnetic nails.

First things first. Go out and buy a magnetic nail polish, it goes without saying.
Of course i don't particularly need to explain how to do it its pretty simple really, paint and hold the magnet over it and sometimes it may look quite good. What i'm doing is reviewing it.

I bought two magnetic nail polishes. One from an expensive nail company thats well known and one from a cheaper company. Some of you would probably prefer the more expensive company just for the name maybe. But honestly i hated the look it left on my nails.

It didn't work properly and it looked kinda weird, and when i decide to spent over £10 for a little bottle of polish i expect good results! Although i was disappointed with the results of that, i decided i would try again with a cheaper company.

This one did not cost me much at all, less than £5. Surprisingly this company worked much better than the last one i tried. I loved the look it gave me although the drying does take a little patience.

I still love the expensive brand though, maybe some of the other magnetic patterns would have looked better, I don't know.

The point is that sometimes just because it's a big name doesn't mean that it's better than the rest!

I'll put up pictures soon its a little late and to be honest i cannot be bothered to get out of my bed.